5-04/050.40 - Serialized and Non-Serialized Property/Evidence

All stations/units shall comply with Penal Code section 11108 which mandates that "...serialized property which has been reported stolen, lost, found, recovered or under observation be entered directly into the appropriate Department of Justice automated property system for firearms, stolen bicycles, stolen vehicles or other property, as the case may be."  The individual booking the item into PRELIMS shall be the party responsible for ensuring that the item is entered into the appropriate DOJ automated property system accurately.

NOTE:    The task for the actual entry into the appropriate DOJ system may be delegated to or performed by Department personnel other than the individual that booked the item into PRELIMS. 

Reports of stolen, non-serialized property which have unique characteristics or inscriptions permitting accurate identification shall be sent directly to the Special Services Section (Department of Justice) by letter or teletype.

The result of the record entry in the appropriate Department of Justice automated property system is a File Control Number (FCN), Crime Gun File Control Number (FCN) and a system printout listing the FCN.  A copy of the system printout with the FCN shall be attached to the outside of the package containing each piece of property/evidence bearing a serial number and non-serialized property having unique characteristics that is transported to the Central Property custodian.  The FCN shall be entered into PRELIMS.  This is typically done by the station/unit Evidence and Property custodian.