5-03/160.00 - Criminal Registration

Persons covered by sections 290 PC, 457.1 PC, or 11590 H&S are required by law to register with the appropriate law enforcement agency.

  • If the person has been incarcerated less than 30 days and returns to their residence, no registration is needed; and
  • If the person has been incarcerated more than 30 days or if they change residency, registration is required,

IRC/CRDF shall complete the following when an inmate covered by these sections is released:

  • Inform them of their responsibility to register with the appropriate law enforcement agency within five days for 290 PC registration, 14 days for 457.1 PC registration, and 30 days for 11590 H&S registration, after establishing residency;
  • Inform them of their responsibility to notify such law enforcement agency in person or in writing within five days for 290 PC registration, 14 days for 457.1 PC registration, and 30 days for 11590 H&S registration, after a change of address and to present their Registration Certificate for correction;
  • Require them to read and sign the CII Notice of Registration Certificate for correction;
  • Require them to read and sign the CII Notice of Registration Requirement Form (CII-4);
  • Obtain the address at which they expect to live; and
  • Distribute the signed notification forms as follows:
    • Original and one copy to OAS for forwarding to DOJ;
    • Copy placed in the release's jacket by release clerk; and
    • Copy to releasee.

Persons registering with the Department for 11590 H&S and 457.1 PC only shall be directed to Records and Identification Bureau, Registration Unit at the Public Service Unit Counter Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) (please call for hours verification at (562) 345-4441.  Upon their arrival, Records and Identification Bureau shall:

  • Livescan the registrant with the Registrant process;
  • Take a front and profile photograph of the registrant during the Livescan process (Livescan will automatically transfer the subject’s fingerprints and photographs to DOJ); and
  • Provide the registrant with a Registration Receipt, printed from the Livescan.

Persons registering with the Department for 290 PC, sex offender registration only, shall be directed to the Station closest to their place of residence.  Station detective personnel shall register persons who committed crimes against adults.  Personnel from Special Victims Bureau shall register those who committed crimes against juveniles.  The only exception to this general rule involves registration as a result of a conviction for offenses that may include child victims but are investigated by Station detectives.  Since the case assignment responsibility of such offenses rests with Station detectives, regardless of the age of the victim, Station detectives have the responsibility of conducting the registration.

For registrations to be conducted by the Special Victims Bureau, direct the person to call between 0730 - 1530 hours, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).  Special Victims Bureau will set up an appointment and will meet the registrant at the Station.