5-03/095.05 - Contact with Citizens Possessing a Certificate of Release/Clearance Letter Form (SH-AD-516)

Any person presenting a Certificate of Release/Clearance Letter (SH-AD-516) or similar document issued by another law enforcement agency of Los Angeles County to a member of this Department shall be presumed not to be the wanted person on any of the warrants specifically indicated on the form.

The above shall also apply to persons possessing proper court documents or an approved Petition to Seal and Destroy Arrest Records (Form BCID 8270) indicating that they were wrongly arrested for warrants.

Possession of this form does not prevent a records check for additional wants/warrants from being conducted.

If the records check reveals a possible warrant for the person possessing the SH-AD-516 form, the Deputy shall review and compare the number and issue date of any possible "hits" to those indicated on the SH-AD-516 form.  Such persons shall not be arrested, transported or booked for any warrant specifically indicated on the SH-AD-516 form, or any other warrant, with a system entry date more than 30 days earlier than the date on which the SH-AD-516 was issued unless:

  • The arresting Deputy believes the form is not authentic or has been altered;
  • The arresting Deputy believes that the person possessing the form is not the person named thereon; and/or
  • The officer has additional independent information which provides cause to effect the arrest.