5-03/025.00 - Booking and Property Record Form (B&PR)

The four-part Booking and Property Record Form (SH-J-293) shall be prepared by the arresting Deputy or Station jailer when a prisoner is booked at a Station, or by the arresting Deputy when a prisoner is booked directly into LAC/USC Medical Center, or when a prisoner is booked directly into IRC/CRDF.

The B&PR shall be filled out as indicated below.  Strict adherence to the instructions is necessary in order to facilitate entry into the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS).

An inquiry shall be made as to whether the prisoner has had or currently has tuberculosis, currently has hepatitis, a venereal disease or other special medical problems.

This information shall be placed in the upper right corner of the B&PR (Rev. 10/81) and the response to each question shall be recorded.

Any "yes" response signifying that the prisoner presently has hepatitis, venereal disease or tuberculosis shall require the following procedure:

  • The prisoner shall be immediately segregated from other prisoners;
  • A minimum of physical contact should occur between Deputies and the prisoner;
  • The prisoner shall be transported expeditiously to IRC or CRDF; and
  • The facility shall be advised, upon arrival, that the prisoner is a possible contagion.

An indication that the prisoner has had tuberculosis will not require segregation; however, notation shall be made.

Continue completing the B&PR with the following necessary information:

Line 1:

  • Booking number (7 digit number);
  • Location booked (use code); and
  • Driver's license number-state of issuance.

Line 2:

  • Last name;
  • First name; and
  • Middle name, initial.

Line 3:

  • Home address of arrestee; and
  • Sex (must be either M or F).

Line 4 - All spaces must be filled with appropriate abbreviations and symbols found in the NCIC Code:

  • Descent;
  • Hair;
  • Eyes;
  • Height, expressed in feet and inches only, do not use fractions (e.g., 504, 511, 602);
  • Weight, expressed in pounds, no fractions (e.g., 94 pounds is 094; 175-1/2 pounds is 176);
  • Birth date, expressed in six numbers (e.g., January 1, 1940 shall be 01-01-40); and
  • Age.

NOTE:    If the birth date or age is not obtained, it will be the responsibility of the arresting Deputy to issue an appropriate age and birth date of February 30, with the year to correspond with the age (e.g., age 37, birth date 02-30-46).  An age of 00 or a birth date of 00-00-00 will not be accepted by the computer.

Line 5:

  • Vehicle license number-state of issuance (see state chart);
  • AKA/Nickname; and
  • Reporting district-must be four numbers and the correct reporting district (RD) where the arrest was made.

NOTE:    If arrest is made out of the Station's/Unit’s area but is not a contract city, the RD will be the first two numbers designated for the Station's/Unit’s RD and 99.

East Los Angeles - 0299,
West Hollywood  - 0999,

Line 6:

  • Birthplace-do not use commas;
  • File number-if Sheriff's file number use all 15 digits of URN (no dashes);
  • Additional charge-use either "Y" for yes or "N" for no;
  • If yes, complete "Additional Charge" form (SH-CR-435); and
  • Place the words "Original Charges" in the left-hand corner of the form and attach to the B&PR.

Line 7:

  • Agency arresting-must be completed, use numerical code;

NOTE:    Transportation Bureau is not an arresting agency.

  • Detail arresting-use no more than four numbers;
  • Date arrested-must be filled in-use 6 digits and 2 dashes; and
  • Time arrested-must be filled in using Continental time.

Line 8:

  • Location of arrest; and
  • Total bail-do not leave blank; enter a bail amount or indicate "no bail".

Line 9:

  • Enter only one charge (cannot be omitted), using the numerical code and charge description.  The level (e.g., felony, misdemeanor, citation, delinquent, infraction, other) must be added after the numerical charge number and before the charge description; and
  • When warrant or commitment is used, enter number preceded by a W or C.

Line 10:

  • Jail locations-for IRC/CRDF use only;
  • Arraignment date-use 6 digits and 2 dashes;
  • Time-use continental time only;court (must be abbreviated); and
  • Prisoner's signature.

Lines 11-15 are self-explanatory.

Lines 16-20 - Prisoner property – list cash and personal property on these lines.  The following items shall be retained by the prisoner unless the prisoner requests the items to be placed in property:

  • Ring – plain wedding band without stones;
  • Hearing aid with one set of batteries;
  • Eyeglasses (contact or prescription lenses and non-metal case);
  • Comb-plastic or rubber (not rat-tail or metal and not to exceed 6");
  • Handkerchief (white only);
  • Copy of traffic citation attached to prisoner's copy of booking slip; and
  • Miscellaneous papers necessary for court.

NOTE:    The last two items shall not be placed in property.

Except for the cash, the above items will not be listed on the booking form.  The money will be listed but no signature will be necessary nor will the property need to be receipted.

See section 5-03/200.00 on Prisoner's Property processing procedures.

Any exceptions to, or questions about, the above should be directed to the IRC processing Sergeant.