5-02/100.45 - Juvenile Detention Restrictions and Procedures (601 & 602)

When a Deputy takes a minor into temporary custody, he has alternate dispositions as follows:

  • Release the subject to parent, guardian, or responsible relative;
  • Take the subject without unnecessary delay before the probation officer of the county in which such person was taken into custody, or in which such person resides, or in which the acts take place or the circumstances exist which are alleged to bring the minor within the provisions of sections 601 and 602 and deliver the custody of such minor to the probation officer; or

NOTE:    In determining which disposition of the minor he will make, the Deputy shall prefer the alternative which least restricts the minor's freedom of movement, provided such alternative is compatible with the best interest of the minor and the community.

  • Place the minor in temporary custody at a Station/Unit lockup in accordance with section 5-02/035.05 and section 5-02/035.20.

The following restrictions and procedures shall be followed by members of this Department when a juvenile is detained:

  • Juveniles shall be interviewed by a Detective as soon as possible after arrest;
  • Juveniles shall be transported to an appropriate juvenile facility no later than six hours after arrival at the Station/Unit (see section 5-02/100.50) whether or not they have been interviewed by a detective, and whether or not their parent, guardian, or responsible relative is expected to arrive after the six hours have elapsed;
  • Whenever possible, juveniles should be interviewed prior to sending them to an appropriate juvenile facility.  Juveniles held in temporary custody shall not be disciplined;
  • Continuing recalcitrant behavior by a juvenile in custody of this Department shall result in the juvenile being immediately transported to an appropriate juvenile facility.  Juveniles held in temporary custody shall not be disciplined;
  • Juveniles held in temporary custody shall be provided with a snack within the fourth hour of such detention;
  • Leather restraints may be used in accordance with section 3-01/110.25, on juveniles who display bizarre or violent behavior and such behavior presents a clear and present danger to himself or others;
  • Under no conditions shall a juvenile be incarcerated with adult prisoners nor shall members of the opposite sex be confined together; and
  • 601 minors pending release to parents or SODA facility shall not be confined with 602 or 300 WIC minors and only in compliance with section 5-02/040.30.  Contact between adult and 602 WIC juvenile prisoners held in secure or nonsecure custody shall be restricted and in compliance with section 5-02/035.05 and section 5-02/035.20.