5-02/100.35 - Detained Juveniles to LAC/USC Medical Center

If the detained juvenile is seriously injured or ill (serious illness or contagious disease), the juvenile shall be taken to LAC/USC Medical Center.  Delinquent juveniles shall be handled according to the procedure outlined for booking at jail wards.  (See section 5-02/090.20; also, see Emergency Medical Consent Procedures, section 5-02/110.00).

A nondelinquent juvenile shall be handled according to the following procedures:

  • Juvenile seriously ill shall be placed in an LAC/USC Medical Center open ward;
  • Juvenile with a contagious disease shall be taken to LAC/USC Medical Center Contagious Disease Unit;
  • The nurse admitting the juvenile shall be advised of the DCFS office handling the case; and
  • The concerned detective shall advise the concerned area DCFS child welfare caseworker on the following weekday of the placement of the juvenile at the Medical Center and the personal history and facts regarding the detention.