5-02/100.20 - Detention Procedure - Delinquent Non-Intercept Cases

When a juvenile is detained in a Probation Department facility, the following shall apply:

Juvenile Hall Entrance Record Form (76E608J)
This form shall be prepared in quadruplicate, all copies to be legible.  Three copies of this form, the Probable Cause Declaration and the B&PR shall accompany the juvenile to the place of detention; the fourth copy shall be given to the Station/Unit Detective Commander.  The detective requesting detention shall also provide, in the form of reports or memoranda, any additional information not contained on the form which he feels justifies detention.  When the Station/Unit Detective Commander is not on duty, the Juvenile Hall Entrance Record form and any available reports will be given to the Station/Unit Watch Commander.

The Juvenile Hall Entrance Record form shall be filled in as completely as possible with particular attention to:

  • Case Number - to be the complete URN number;
  • Agency and Person Responsible for Petition Application - in this section, the Deputy's name, rank, Station/Unit assignment, and Department who is requesting detention; and
  • Describe Situation or Incident Which Makes Detention Necessary - in this section, fill in as briefly as possible the seriousness of the offense, the juvenile's prior record, and the need for detention at the facility, and continued detention at the detention hearing.  It is in this section that the reason for detention and why the juvenile cannot be considered for release must be specified.  This portion is the most vital part and is generally the only information available to the Probation Department Detention Control Officer in making decisions relating to detentions.

Probation Department Procedures
The detention control officer will not contact or make any notification to this Department when a juvenile is accepted for detention.

When release of a juvenile is being considered or further information is needed, the detention control officer will contact the detective requesting detention for additional information concerning the case.  If neither the requesting detective nor the Station/Unit Detective Commander can be reached, additional information concerning the case will be obtained from the Watch Commander.

Failure of the detention control officer to make notification of release of a juvenile shall be brought to the attention of the respective Unit Commander.  Releases of juveniles by the detention control officer in extremely serious cases and over the strenuous objection of the Sheriff's Department shall also be brought to the attention of the Unit Commander.

The Probation Department detention control officer has the final responsibility to determine whether further detention is required.