5-02/090.50 - Juveniles Remanded/Sentenced to County Jail

Juveniles remanded to county jail must be accompanied by documentation indicating compliance with 707.1 and 207(b)(1) Welfare and Institutions Code.  This documentation must include a specific finding by a Superior Court that the minor is unfit for juvenile court and that the continued presence of the minor in juvenile hall would endanger the public or be detrimental to other minors detained in juvenile hall.

Sentenced juveniles must be accompanied by documentation indicating compliance with 707.1 WIC and a sentencing document which sentences the minor to a specific amount of time in County jail.

Prior to transportation from court, Court Services personnel will ensure that all necessary documentation will accompany the minor.  No juvenile shall be transported to, or accepted at, county jail with the provision that "papers will follow."

In either case (remanded or sentenced juveniles), absent the necessary findings or documentation, the minor will be transported to and housed in juvenile hall under the authority of a juvenile court special order.  Exceptions may be granted only by the on‑duty IRC (for males) or CRDF (for females) Watch Commander, under the guidelines of Custody Division Manual section 5-04/000.00, Housing of Juveniles.

It shall be the responsibility of the transporting officers to take juveniles refused admittance by IRC or CRDF to juvenile hall.  In this event, IRC or CRDF will provide the transporting officer with a copy of the juvenile special order.