5-02/090.30 - Fingerprinting

Felony offense fingerprinting is a Department policy and required on every juvenile 14 years of age and older who is arrested for a felony offense.  Two Fingerprint Cards (FD-249) shall be completed in all cases and, in addition, all other fingerprinting policy found in this subsection shall be included.  Upon completion, the cards shall be stapled to the booking slip and forwarded to the Records and Identification Bureau, Identification Unit.

Only the following information should appear on the front of the cards:

  • Juvenile's last name, first name, middle name (printed in ink or typed);
  • Juvenile's signature;
  • Date the fingerprints are taken (not date of arrest).  Leave the section marked "Date Arrested or Received DOA" blank.  The date the fingerprints are taken is to be entered in the section marked "Date;"
  • Signature and employee number of official taking fingerprints; and
  • For Sheriff's arrests, in the section marked "Your OCA," place booking number and (slash) truncated URN, e.g., URN 485-12345-1010-181 will read 851234510.  All other cards will bear only the booking number in this section.

NOTE:    Leave all other spaces blank.  Do not write in charges, charge descriptions, physical descriptions, or date arrested.  The Records and Identification Bureau will type in all other information from the booking slip.

The arrest disposition section on the reverse side of the standard fingerprint card must contain one of the following dispositions for juvenile arrestees:

  • "Released to home/parent"; or
  • "Detained at Juvenile Hall."

Department of Justice arrest records will not be released to any inquiry other than from the arresting agency for arrests in which no disposition was recorded on the fingerprint card.

Discretional fingerprinting may be made for investigative purposes at the request of the investigating detective.  Should the detective feel that the juvenile is a potential repeater, "five finger" card (SH-R-117) should be prepared with the right and left finger imprints on the front of the card and the palms on the back.

This card shall be sent to the Identification Section, Scientific Services Bureau, for the Department's "five finger" file.

Juvenile Illegal Aliens - Fingerprinting

Many alleged juvenile illegal aliens are later determined to be adult illegal aliens or local juveniles.

To properly identify these alleged juvenile illegal aliens, two fingerprint cards (FD-249) shall be prepared at the time of booking.

The two fingerprint cards, a copy of the Booking and Property Record (B&PR) form, and the Juvenile Hall Entrance Record form shall accompany the alleged juvenile illegal alien to juvenile hall.

Station/Unit personnel will deliver the fingerprint cards and the B&PR to the supervisor of the Identification Unit, Records and Identification Bureau.  The prints will then be classified, searched and filed on a priority basis.

The investigating detective shall be notified by the Identification Unit when the search determines the party to be an adult.  The detective shall arrange to remove him from juvenile hall and proceed against him as an adult.  If the illegal alien is a juvenile and no other charges are pending, he shall be released by juvenile hall to the Immigration authorities.