5-02/090.10 - Juvenile Booking Numbers

Whenever a juvenile is detained or taken into custody by this Department, a booking number shall be obtained.  After obtaining a booking number, the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) shall be updated with the booking transaction.  The Booking and Property Record form shall be completed through Line #10.  Under no circumstances should a juvenile be detained for more than one hour without obtaining a booking number.

Immediately following the release of a juvenile as the result of a field booking or upon release from the Station/Unit, there shall be a release transaction made to AJIS.  The AJIS release codes shall be used by the Stations/Units when the juvenile is released or transported to a detention facility that does not possess an AJIS terminal.  (Examples:  Juvenile Hall, MacLaren Children's Center and a SODA).  If the place of detention has an AJIS terminal capable of input, normal updating procedures shall apply; otherwise notify the IRC Watch Deputy for computer updating.

When an inquiry is received concerning a juvenile's location and the charge line on the terminal viewer shows a charge of 300 or 601 juvenile, the inquiring party shall be directed to contact the Unit maintaining custody of the subject.  Other than divulging the subject's location, only the investigating detective or the Watch Commander at the custodial Unit is authorized to give further information concerning the matter.