5-02/050.55 - Juvenile Lineups

When possible, juvenile lineups shall be conducted before sending the minor to juvenile hall.

If the juvenile looks his age, the investigating Unit will conduct the lineup from juvenile look-alikes that may be available from any source.

A court order is required on minors in juvenile hall for lineups conducted at juvenile hall.  The District Attorney's office or the juvenile hall liaison Deputy will assist in obtaining the court order.  A minimum of 24 hours prior to the lineup is required to obtain an order.

If the juvenile's appearance and features are those of an adult and adult look-alikes are necessary, Central Jail Line-up Detail will conduct the lineup utilizing adult inmates from within the County Jail system (see Prisoners Chapter).  If a minor is in juvenile hall, an "In-and-Out" order is required for removal for a lineup.  The District Attorney's office will assist in obtaining this order.

It is the investigator's responsibility to ensure that all witnesses and victims are present at the juvenile hall.  The investigator will assist the juvenile hall liaison Deputy in the handling of the lineup.

Procedures for lineups in the juvenile court system are available to concerned persons and agencies through the District Attorney's office at the juvenile hall.