5-02/050.50 - Citable Offenses to Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court (256 WIC)

The juvenile hearing officer may hear the following offenses when the minor was under the age of 18 years at the time of the offense:

  • Any violation of the Vehicle Code not declared to be a felony (Exception:  Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Los Angeles County shall be referred to delinquency court through a juvenile petition request.);
  • A violation of section 602(m) PC;
  • Violation of the Fish and Game Code not declared to be a felony;
  • Violation of any of the equipment and registration provisions of the Harbors and Navigation Code;
  • Violation of any provision of an ordinance of a city, county, or local agency relating to traffic offenses, non-traffic offenses regarding loitering, curfew, or evasion of fares on a public transportation system, as defined by section 99211 of the Public Utilities Code;
  • A violation of section 27176 of the Streets and Highways Code;
  • Any violation listed under section 460 of the Penal Code;
  • A violation of the rules and regulations established pursuant to sections 5003, 5008 and 33211.6 of the Public Resources Code;
  • A violation of section 25658, 25658.5, 25661, or 25662 of the Business and Professions Code;
  • A violation of 647(f) PC;
  • A violation of 594 PC, involving paint or other liquid;
  • A violation of 594.1 (b), (d) or (e) PC;
  • A violation of section 11357(b) of the Health and Safety Code; and/or
  • A violation of any infraction.The following procedures apply when an investigation has been completed, wherein the juvenile is alleged to have committed any of the offenses listed in this section, and the juvenile is not being detained.

If no other disposition is suitable (counsel and release, diversion, etc.), the minor shall be issued a Notice to Appear, to the appropriate Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court. The reporting of these offenses shall be completed as outlined in Volume 4, Case Assignment and Reporting, and/or Volume 5, Chapter 5, Traffic.

The Notice to Appear shall direct the juvenile and their parent(s) or legal guardian to appear in court in 60 calendar days from the date of the issuance of the citation.  If the 60th day is a non-court day, the minor will be cited to the next available court day.  In addition to listing the full name of the court in the “Court” section of the Notice to Appear, the words “Informal Court” shall be written after the court’s name.  If the minor refuses to sign the Notice to Appear, they will be verbally advised of the court appearance date and location and the statement, “Advised of court date, refused to sign,” shall be written on the signature line of the citation. The yellow copy of the Notice to Appear shall be given to the minor.

A copy of the Notice(s) to Appear and four copies of all applicable reports shall be forwarded to the appropriate District Attorney’s Office within seven calendar days from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Appear.  The original Notice(s) to Appear shall be forwarded to the Los Angeles Central Processing Unit of the Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court within seven calendar days from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Appear.

If more than one juvenile is involved in the same case, all shall be cited to Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court for the same appearance date, unless the Notices to Appear are issued to the minors on different dates.  In those instances, the subsequent citation(s) shall reference the first citation issued.  This will be done by listing the number of the first Notice to Appear and the name and court date of the minor on the first citation in the “Description” area of the subsequent Notice(s) to Appear.  This is in addition to listing the actual charge(s) for the minor(s) whose name(s) is listed on the subsequent citation(s).  Court appearance dates shall always be in 60 calendar days from the date the Notice to Appear was issued to a minor.

Prior to citing a minor for any of the offenses listed in this section, personnel shall ascertain if the juvenile is on probation by conducting an automated records check of the Conditions of Probation System (COPS) or notifying the Los Angeles County Probation Department.  If it is determined that the juvenile is on probation for a 602 WIC offense, he/she shall not be cited to Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court. If not detained, he/she shall be cited to delinquency court as outlined in section 5-02/050.52.

NOTE:    A minor cannot appear both in delinquency court and Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court for multiple offenses resulting from a single arrest.  Either the non-detained minor must be petitioned and cited to delinquency court for all charges, including those listed in this section (refer to section 5-02/050.52), or cited to the Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court solely for the offenses listed in this section.