5-02/030.15 - Ward/Predelinquent (601 WIC)

Any person under 18 years of age who persistently or habitually engages in deviant behavior (status offense) or violates any city or county ordinance defining curfew is within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court which may adjudge such a person to be a ward of the court.

Persons arrested under this section must be released to their parents or guardians.  If their parents or guardians cannot be located, cannot respond, or refuse to accept custody, the minor shall be transported to a Status Offenders Detention Alternative (SODA) facility.  A 601 WIC delinquent minor cannot be detained in Juvenile Hall (207[b] WIC).  Placement in a SODA facility will be arranged through the probation intake office at (213) 226-8533, SODA Resource Control -  days, Mon-Fri; Eastlake Intake Detention Control (IDC) all other hours (213) 226-8506.

The following areas fall within the jurisdiction of section 601 WIC:

  • Incorrigible;
  • Loitering/Curfew;
  • Runaway;
  • Transient; and
  • Truant (truants by law cannot be detained except during school hours).

Section 270.5 PC prescribes a misdemeanor punishment when a parent refuses, without lawful excuse, to accept custody of his or her minor child upon being requested to do so by law enforcement or a child protective agency.

NOTE:    Refer to section 5-02/040.30, Policy on Predelinquent Juvenile Arrests, Detention and Referral.