5-01/150.20 - License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau

License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau is responsible for processing applications, inspecting proposed facilities and the letting of contracts on an "as needed" basis.

License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau will maintain files on all contract tow services and applicants and coordinate Department tow services and their activities.

All applicants will be notified in writing confirming receipt of their application and that the application has been placed in a file pending an opening.

When License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau is notified that a new or replacement tow service is needed, they shall:

  • Notify all area applicants on file of the opening;
  • Process the applications on file for the vacancy as follows:
    • Perform a background check;
    • Inspect the applicant's equipment and facility;
    • Report those findings to the chiefs’ panel for its review and selection.

After the selection has been made, License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau shall notify all applicants in writing of the following:

  • Whether the applicant's business did or did not meet the Department's criteria for a contract tow service;
  • Whether or not the applicant's business was selected for the contract to provide tow service.

License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau shall conduct annual inspections as well as periodic unannounced spot inspections of contract tow services' premises and equipment, to assure compliance with the terms of their contract and other relevant rules and regulations.  The annual inspections will be performed in conjunction with station/unit command inspections.

If an inspection reveals violations of the tow contract which cannot be immediately rectified, License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau will initiate an investigation into the violations.  If appropriate, a written report will be submitted to the chiefs’ panel for their consideration.

The License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau shall retain the original copy of the inspection reports.

License Detail, Major Crimes Bureau shall be responsible for inspecting contract tow service files for accuracy, completeness, and excessive impound time.