5-01/110.10 - Recovered/Found License Plates

The Deputy taking a report of a recovered or found license plate shall be responsible for first making a query to SVS for any record of a stolen.

If SVS shows the plate as stolen, the Deputy shall be responsible for preparing a recovered plate report on the appropriate side of a CHP-180 as follows:

  • Complete the uppermost portion of the form;
    • If recovery of Sheriff's stolen, use same URN as on stolen and mark report as "supplemental" along the top margin of the form.  If recovery of another agency's stolen, obtain URN;
  • Write the words - PLATE ONLY - across the spaces marked year, make, model and body type and provide license plate information;
  • Indicate whether or not license number is clear in SVS;
  • If recovery of another agency's stolen, provide name, date and case number.  If LASD stolen, show name and date only;
  • Complete R/O information;
  • Provide following information in remarks section:
    • Indicate whether one or two plates involved;
    • Location of occurrence;
    • Arrest made, if any; and
    • Brief statement regarding circumstances;
  • Signature, title and employee number of reporting Deputy.

Station/Unit secretaries shall be responsible for:

  • Processing of the report as follows:
    • Send a "locate" or "clear" message to SVS and indicate the FCN on the CHP 180; and
    • Make duplicate copies of the recovered plate report.

Distribution of the report as follows:

  • Image into electronic archive SECDA;
    • Original of CHP-180;
  • To agency or Station/Unit (reporting stolen);
    • Copy of CHP-180;
  • To Unit;
    • Sufficient copies for Unit needs.

If SVS does not show a record of the plate as stolen, the Deputy shall be responsible for preparing a found plate report on the appropriate side of a CHP 180 as follows:

  • Complete the uppermost portion of the form;
  • Write the words - PLATE ONLY - across the spaces marked year, make, model and body type and provide license plate information;
  • Complete R/O information;
  • Provide the following information in remarks section:
    • Indicate whether one or two plates involved;
    • Location of occurrence; and
    • Brief statement regarding circumstances
  • Signature, title and employee number of reporting Deputy.

Station/Unit secretaries shall be responsible for:

  • Processing of the report as follows:
    • Send a found plate message to SVS and note the FCN on the CHP-180; and
    • Make duplicate copies of the found plate report.

Distribution of the report as follows:

  • Image into electronic archive SECDA;
    • Original CHP-180;
  • To Unit;
    • Sufficient copies for Unit needs.