5-01/070.15 - Special Notifications

When the original mailed notification is returned by the Post Office with information that the addressee is no longer at the address given, the concerned Station/Unit shall contact the garage holding the vehicle.  If the vehicle is still being held and in any case where the Station/Unit has been unable to ascertain the name of the owner of the vehicle, place an "X" in the appropriate box of the returned CHP-126 or on the returned CHP-180 Notice of Stored Vehicle indicating these circumstances.  A copy shall be sent to both DOJ Stolen Vehicle Unit and the garage.

Special notifications shall be distributed as follows:

  • Original to DOJ Stolen Vehicle Unit [Care of California Highway Patrol (CHP), Sacramento];
  • Copy to garage at which the vehicle is stored or impounded; and
  • Copy to Unit file.

When the name of the registered owner is not known, the information obtained from DMV, as a result of the registration data inquiry shall be entered in the space for registered owner on the CHP-126 or on the CHP-180.  If the response to the inquiry, was by teletype, attach a copy of the printout to the Station's/Unit’s file copy.  If the Post Office returned the original notification, attach the envelope indicating reasons for the return to the notification and place in the Station/Unit file.