5-01/040.00 - Courtesy Stolen Vehicle Reports

Courtesy stolen vehicle reports are taken to cover the theft of a vehicle when the location of occurrence was in a district or jurisdiction other than that in which the report is being made.  Prior to taking a courtesy stolen report, a check for wants shall be made with SVS and with the district or jurisdiction to whom the report should have been made.  If there are no wants and the vehicle has not been repossessed, a report shall be taken following the procedures below.

If the location of occurrence was within the district or jurisdiction of another:

Sheriff Station/Unit in Los Angeles County - the report shall be handled as a routine stolen with the following exceptions:

  • An original and one copy of a CHP-180 shall be prepared and plainly marked "Courtesy Report For                            Station;"
  •  An URN shall be obtained from the concerned Station/Unit as soon as the report is signed;
  • Enter the stolen vehicle data in SVS, placing an "X" in the courtesy field and entering the concerned Station's/Unit’s mnemonic and Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) and indicate the FCN number on the original CHP-180;
  • Send content of the CHP-180 to the concerned Station/Unit, via JDIC or fax, identifying it as a courtesy report and notifying the concerned Station/Unit of the stolen vehicle entry in SVS; and
  • Notify the Supervising Station Clerk of the concerned Station/Unit of the report availability in the electronic archive SECDA.

On cases involving embezzled or fraudulently obtained vehicles, courtesy stolen reports may be taken for another Sheriff's Station/Unit when it would cause hardship to the person reporting to go to the proper Station/Unit.  The case would still be handled by the Station/Unit in the jurisdiction where the theft occurred.  No reports on this type of case shall be accepted for another police agency.

Police Agency - acceptance of a courtesy stolen report should be discouraged.  When accepting the report, the following shall apply:

  • An original and one copy of a CHP-180 shall be prepared and shall be plainly marked "Courtesy Report For ________________ Police Department;"
  • The stolen report shall be assigned a Sheriff's URN with the reporting district field ending in A99;"
  • The person, who will be entering the vehicle into SVS, shall contact the concerned agency and determine if they are a JDIC user.  If they are:
    • Obtain their ORI number, CLETS mnemonic and enter the vehicle into SVS (do not place an “X” in the courtesy box).  If the agency does not authorize our entry of their stolen vehicle into SVS, indicate this on the original CHP 180, noting the name and rank of the person refusing authorization.  Do not enter the vehicle into SVS.

If they are not a JDIC user - enter the vehicle into SVS with our ORI and mnemonic.  Indicate in the miscellaneous information field the name of the agency concerned and that the entry is a courtesy entry for that agency;

  • Send content of the CHP-180 to the concerned police department, via JDIC, or fax identifying it as a courtesy report and notifying the concerned department of the entry or non-entry of the vehicle into SVS;
  • Mail the original signed copy of the CHP-180 to the concerned department;
  • Send one copy of the JDIC teletype of the CHP-180 to Records and Identification Bureau;
  • Retain a copy of the original CHP-180 and one copy of the JDIC teletype for the Unit file; and
  • Following distribution of the required number of copies of the report, subsequent handling shall be the responsibility of the concerned police department.