4-02/010.20 - Reporting District Number or Unit Designation Number

For crimes or incidents occurring in a Patrol Station/Unit policing area, the RD (reporting district) number will appear as the ninth through the twelfth digits of the URN.  Those RD numbers that consist of only three digits (such as ELA-284) will be preceded by a zero.

When the Patrol Station/Unit (or other reporting Unit) is generating a report regarding an occurrence in another Patrol Station's/Unit’s policing area, they will obtain their URN from that Patrol Station/Unit.  This includes the reporting district code and the sequence number.

Each Patrol Station/Unit will use the number 99 in lieu of the reporting district number when the report being generated does not cover a crime or incident occurring in the Department’s policing area.  Do not use non-Sheriff agency designator, such as 1942, LAPD.

EXAMPLE:    Courtesy reports for non-contract cities, assistance to non-Sheriff agencies, investigations in which there has, as yet, been no completed crime or arrest and incidents involving personnel occurring in non-contract cities.

Refer to the JDIC on-line Reporting District Table for a complete listing of available reporting districts.