3-09/320.10 - Applying for Initial Department of Motor Vehicles Confidentiality

The Request for Confidentiality of Home Address (INV 32) forms are available from each Unit’s Operations Staff, Personnel Administration, or each Unit may order from:

Central Supply and Logistics Unit
14205 East Telegraph Road
Whittier, California  90604

The request for DMV Confidentiality must be submitted on the most current INV 32 form.  It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure the required information fields are completed before submitting the Request for Confidentiality of Home Address (INV 32) to their Operations Staff.  The following fields must be completed:

  •  Field - Name and Address:
    • List the name and home address (post office box is acceptable) of the qualifying employee (the address listed for the qualifying employee shall match the home address or post office box listed in the County‑Wide Timekeeping and Payroll Personnel System (CWTAPPS) and the Employee Information System (EIS) - a work address is an acceptable alternative to the home address or post office box).
    • List the name of the qualifying employee’s spouse and/or child.

NOTE:    Employees shall update addresses with their Unit timekeeper to ensure their correct address is on file.  Addresses which do not match will not be processed.

  • Field - Confidentiality Request for:
    • Check the appropriate box(es) to indicate confidentiality request for individual, spouse, children, and/or vehicles;
  • Field - Driver License, Identification Card, Vehicle:
    • List the California Driver License or California Identification Card number for the qualifying employee, spouse, and/or child.  
    • List the vehicle license plate number. Vehicles must be registered in the qualifying employee’s or eligible family member’s name;

NOTE:    A qualifying employee and their spouse and/or child are the only family members eligible for confidentiality.  In the case of an employee adding a spouse or child who has a different last name, the employee will be required to submit proper documentation: i.e., photocopy of marriage certificate, birth certificate, or adoption papers.

  • Field - Qualifying Employee Information:
    • In area “C” enter “Los Angeles County;” 
    • Check box “S” for “Sheriff;”
  • Field - Certification:
    • The qualifying employee shall complete the following boxes:
      • Date;
      • Signature of qualifying employee;
      • Job title (do not abbreviate);
      • Check “Yes” or “No” for Peace Officer status; and
      • Daytime telephone number

DMV’s policy states only the original Request for Confidentiality of Home Address (INV 32) form can be submitted (photocopies will not be accepted).  The original form (white copy) and yellow copy shall be submitted to the Unit of assignment’s Operations Office.  Employees submitting an INV 32 should make a copy of the original form for their own records.