3-09/110.05 - Criminal Record Information

Criminal record information is defined as "records and data compiled by criminal justice agencies for purposes of identifying criminal offenders and of maintaining as to each such offender a summary of arrests, pretrial proceedings, the nature and disposition of criminal charges, sentencing, incarceration, rehabilitation and release.  Such information shall be restricted to that which is recorded as the result of an arrest, detention or other initiation of criminal proceedings or of any consequent proceedings related thereto."

There are three criminal record histories which shall be regulated by the following subsections.  These records include:

  • The yellow RAP sheet produced by the Department of Justice (DOJ) from manual records;
  • The Automated Criminal History Transcript printed on IBM paper by the DOJ in Sacramento and mailed to criminal justice agencies; and
  • The Automated Criminal History Summary which is obtained via JDIC from the DOJ.

Local criminal history contained in the CCHRS (Consolidated Criminal History Reporting System) shall be treated with the same security as the above.

Units with specific parolee questions should telephone the CDCR Help Desk at (916) 324-7789.

All inquiries regarding the control and dissemination of criminal records information shall be referred to the Records and Identification Bureau Commander.