3-08/040.30 - Attention Notation Block

When a person other than the addressee or a subdivision of the concerned agency, department, company or organization is to directly handle the letter, the personal name or name of the subdivision should be placed in the attention notation block.

If a personal name is used, type the full name of the addressee followed by his business or professional title.  A subdivision, i.e., Department, Division or Bureau, if known and if different from that used in the address block, shall be placed immediately below the name and title.

If only the name of the subdivision is to appear in the attention notation block, it shall not appear in the address block (see section 3-08/040.25).  In such cases, the subdivision may be expanded to include a Unit, section, etc., within the subdivision so as to more clearly indicate the area to which the correspondence should be directed (see last two examples in this subsection).

When used, the notation, "Attention:," shall be placed two lines below the address block and punctuated with a colon. The entire attention notation block shall be typed in upper and lower case letters.  Abbreviations shall be avoided.


Attention:       John Smith, Captain
Century Sheriff's Station

Attention:       Mary Jones, Director
Personnel Administration

Attention:       Fleet Management Unit
Communications & Fleet Management Bureau