3-07/230.00 - Data Communications Management

Data Systems Bureau is responsible for overall access and administration of electronic data communications policy and procedures for traffic occurring over the Sheriff’s Data Network, the Justice Data Interface Controller (JDIC) to the Internet, and to any other Department-authorized data interfaces.  In this role, Data Systems Bureau will:

  • Review and approve requests for access to the Sheriff’s Data Network or JDIC.   Requests for such access should be made to the Central Help Desk;
  • Review and act on all requests to receive e-mail.  Requests for e-mail should be made to the Central Help Desk;
  • Review and act on requests from LASD users to install new equipment, hardware or software connected to the Sheriff’s Data Network.  Such requests should be made to the Central Help Desk;
  • Review and select the Department's Internet provider and generate and maintain documentation where the provider is, other than the County's Internal Services Department;
  • Review requests and provide remote access to the Sheriff’s Data Network for individual Department members.  Requests for such access must be submitted on office correspondence (SHAD 32) from the requestor’s Unit Commander to the concerned Division Chief or Division Director.  Requests must include the need for remote access;
  • Specify the software required for usage with computers connected to the Sheriff’s Data Network and ensure its usage on all such computers;
  • Establish the standards for all Department IT resources including personal computers, printers, scanners, and network equipment for the Department;
  • Establish and purchase the standard software suite for Department computers, including desktop and network operating systems, virus scanning, e-mail, faxes, word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, database, and network management software; and
  • Review and act on requests to use encryption technology by Department members and ensure its use by only those approved to do so.  Requests to use encryption technology must be submitted on office correspondence signed by the requestor's Division Chief, Division Director, or above, and directed to the Captain of Data Systems Bureau.