3-07/210.36 - Approved Access - Non-County Purchased Computers, Smart Phones, and Other Personal Devices

All salaried Department employees shall have a Sheriff’s Data Network account and electronic mail address subject to revocation.

Department members may have access to the Internet.  Authorization may be terminated upon the employee’s transfer to another Unit or at any time by their Unit Commander.

Department members may have access to the Sheriff’s Data Network from remote sites using a special security identification procedure.  Employees authorized access will be provided with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) access token for access to the Sheriff’s Data Network.  The tokens are the property of the Sheriff’s Department and will be returned to Data Systems Bureau upon transfer to another Unit or upon the request of Data Systems Bureau.  Access privileges will be reviewed annually.  Unit Commanders may request remote access for their employees by sending a memorandum to the concerned Division Chief or Division Director (see section 3-07/230.00).

Access to database systems is authorized by the concerned system administrators.  Access to the Sheriff’s Data Network does not grant authorization to any database system.  Contact the Unit which has system proprietorship in order to request access.

Individuals needing access to the files of another, when the employee is unavailable, must obtain approval from the concerned employee’s Unit Commander.  Upon authorization, Data Systems Bureau will provide and record the access given.