3-07/150.55 - Juvenile Automated Index (JAI)

The Juvenile Automated Index (JAI) managed by the Los Angeles County Probation Department maintains information on juveniles contacted by contributing agencies within Los Angeles County for infractions of local, County, state or federal laws.  The file also contains contact reports regarding neglected and dependent juveniles.

JAI records contain the following:

  • Juvenile's name, address, sex, date of birth and race;
  • The parents', stepparents' or guardians' names;
  • Nature of the offense, date it occurred and name of agency processing the incident;
  • Previous contacts by other agencies;
  • Information regarding the following types of disposition:
    • Application for Juvenile Court Petition;
    • Application for Transfer to Probation Officer;
    • Application for referral to Probation Department for non-court investigation; and
    • Transferred to California Youth Authority;
  • Probation Information - consists of PDJ number, area office, DPD number, detention location, current probation status and probation disposition;
  • DPSS Information - consists of the Children's Services worker file number, DPSS officer, office location and 652 disposition;
  • District Attorney Information - consists of the filing charges, reasons for petition rejection or referral and office location; and
  • Superior Court/County Clerk Information - consists of the number, date and court locations of all court orders.  When available, future court dates, whether a petition or any charges were dismissed or sustained, the reason for dismissal, warrants, findings from fitness resumption hearings, minor's attorney's name and final disposition.