3-07/130.10 - Crime Broadcast Format

The information listed below shall be included in all crime broadcasts, if unavailable the operator shall indicate that the information is unknown.  Each information category shall be preceded by an appropriate heading which describes the type of information being provided.  A blank line shall separate each category of information. Local crime broadcasts shall be presented in the following format:

  • SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT BROADCAST shall appear in the extreme left position of the first available line after the message has been addressed to the location(s) to where it is to be sent;
  • Crime - type of crime.  Statute codes used alone are unacceptable.  An appropriate legal description of the charge shall be included;
  • Date/Time - date and time crime occurred;
  • Victim - victim's or business' name;
  • l - address and city where crime occurred;
  • Suspect - physical description and clothes description. Name, age, DOB and residence address, if known;
  • Weapon - type and appearance, if used;
  • Vehicle - year, make, type, color, any damages and license plate number of suspect’s vehicle;
  • Loss - amount of loss and brief description of identifiable objects;
  • MO - mode of operation (modus operandi) method of entry, speech, conduct, etc., of suspect. Particular attention shall be given to the unique aspects of the crime;
  • Attn: - any agency or detail that may have particular interest in the crime, e.g., ATTN:  Norwalk Sheriff's Station suspect lives in your area; ATTN: All Burglary Details, etc.; and
  • Refer - name and title of Bureau/Station Commander, Bureau/Station name, detail, telephone number, and file number.