3-07/100.30 - Inmate Telephone Monitoring System

The Inmate Telephone Monitoring System (ITMS) is a computer database capable of maintaining secured data storage, live monitoring and temporary storage of recorded inmate telephone calls initiated from Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Jail Facilities, Courthouse Holding Facilities, Patrol Station Holding Cells and Probation and Juvenile Detention Facilities throughout Los Angeles County.

The Inmate Telephone Monitoring System is divided into two sections, the Administrative (Non-Investigative) Section and the ITMS Investigative Section.

The Administrative Section is located in Correctional Services Division, within the Inmate Services Unit.  This section is overseen by a ITMS Project Director, ITMS Project Manager and/or designee.  It shall be the responsibility of the Administrative Section to alleviate maintenance issues, oversee the daily management of the inmate telephone services contract in Los Angeles County Jails and detention facilities and to manage the revenue derived from the telephone system.

The ITMS Investigative Unit is managed by an individual holding the rank of Lieutenant assigned to Detective Division - Homicide Bureau.  It shall be the responsibility of the ITMS Investigative Unit to authorize use, issue user accounts and manage system access by all Department and non‑Departmental personnel.

The ITMS Investigative Unit Lieutenant will establish a liaison with the ITMS Administrative Section and ITMS Project Manager of the Los Angeles County Probation Office, regarding any investigative issues.


ITMS access is available to all LASD Detective Personnel including designated personnel from the Administrative Section, Custody Division, Detectives from allied Law Enforcement agencies and personnel from the District Attorney’s Office, with the approval of their respective Unit Commander or Department Administrator.

Reporting of all ITMS maintenance issues discovered by the ITMS Investigative Unit, will be promptly reported to the Administrative Section for resolution.  ITMS users shall not make direct or indirect contact with the contractual provider for any issue regarding the ITMS.

Access to the ITMS by Private Attorneys, Court Appointed Attorneys or members of the Office of the Public Defender and or Private Investigators, will be by court order only.

The ITMS Investigative Unit will conduct quarterly ITMS audits.  Accounts deemed inactive for more than 90 days will be deactivated.  The ITMS Investigative Unit Lieutenant can revoke access to the ITMS upon founded violations of the ITMS Access Request Agreement.

The ITMS Investigative Unit will offer analytical support to Sheriff’s Department personnel.  The ITMS Investigative Unit will maintain a training program and will provide necessary training to users.

All downloaded ITMS data and records generated as a result of a systems search, are deemed confidential and may be legal evidence.  All downloaded data and records deemed to be pertinent to an investigation shall be handled, retained, and stored in accordance with Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department evidentiary procedures.

All court orders and subpoenas for ITMS data, records or recordings will be processed by the ITMS Investigative Unit.  ITMS Investigative Unit personnel and or representatives from the contracted telephone service provider, will be available for courtroom testimony.

Privileged communications between inmates and their attorney, religious advisor, and physician will not be knowingly or intentionally downloaded without a search warrant, court order or consent of all involved parties, in compliance with Penal Code Section 636 (a).  Telephone numbers of members of the Los Angeles Bar Association, Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Offices and attorney’s telephone numbers provided by the court appointed conflict panel (Attorneys) have been entered into the ITMS / contracted telephone service provider database, to prevent the recording of telephone calls to these numbers.

If during the monitoring of inmate communications, Law Enforcement personnel discovers evidence of criminal activities involving officer safety issues, conversations involving criminal threats of harm to witnesses or victims, information regarding jail security issues at any facility or information pertaining to attorney’s telephone numbers and or the recording of any privileged communication, this information shall be reported to the ITMS Investigative Staff immediately.

The ITMS Investigative Unit will make efforts to make notification to Detectives regarding the simultaneous monitoring of inmates by other detectives.  It will be the responsibility of the detectives to contact each other to resolve investigative conflicts.

All users are responsible for adhering to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s electronic communications policy, as set forth in the following Manual of Policy and Procedures sections:

  • 3-07/210.00, Permissible Use: Employees are expected to abide by the standards of conduct delineated in other volumes, chapters, and sections of the Manual of Policy and Procedures as they may be applied to the use of electronic communications, use and release of information;
  • 3-07/210.25, Security: Only the authorized owner of the logon person (USER ID’s) is permitted to use the ID.  Employees are responsible for keeping their passwords secret.  Employees shall not share common USER ID’s and passwords for any computer system; and
  • 3-07/220.00, Prohibitions: Assist in providing access to unauthorized persons to any data, software, programs, computer system, or computer network.