3-07/100.05 - Toll or Long-Distance Calls

Toll or long-distance calls from County phones shall be placed utilizing the authorized long distance telecommunications network.

Toll or long-distance calls from a non-County phone should be handled as follows:

  • Completed via the authorized long distance telecommunications network;
  • Charged to a County calling card; and
  • Paid for by the employee placing call and a claim for reimbursement made.

Telephone calls from most Department facilities are automatically routed by the County long distance provider.  Local area calls (Los Angeles and fringe areas bordering the County) are routed without an authorization code requirement.  Telephone calls directed outside of the local area require an authorization code.

Depending upon the class of service, the authorization code will enable the user to make long distance calls ranging from Southern California only, to worldwide coverage.  Employees of the Department who routinely make long distance calls to locations outside the County should be issued an authorization code/card.

All requests for telephone authorization codes should be submitted to CFMB.  CFMB shall be notified when employees are transferred.  Monthly usage reports will be reviewed by the user’s supervisor for authorized use.

Calling Range Privilege (CRP)

002 - 50 United States

003 - 50 United States, DDD* Mexico and Canada and IDDD International capabilities)**

010 - Southern California (Outside LATA 5)

011 - California State

013 - 50 United States, DDD* Mexico and Canada

*  direct distance dialing (DDD) refers to those calls that can be dialed directly without the assistance of a telephone operator.

**  No one below the rank of Commander should be assigned this CRP absent specific articulable requirements.


Authorization Codes are issued as follows:

Calling Range Privilege (CRP)          Rank/Equivalent/Civilian Position

011                                                     Deputy

013                                                     Sergeant

013                                                     Lieutenant

013                                                     Captain

003                                                      Commander or above

Any class of service upgrade requires the approval of a Division Chief or Division Director.

Use of Calling Cards

From a County facility with MCI network access:

  • Enter the phone number as you normally would.  When you hear the tone, enter your authorization code.  Your call will be completed.