3-07/010.15 - Radio Operating Procedures

In addition to specific radio operating procedures found in the Radio Communications Procedural Manuals, the following shall be observed by all radio field Units:

  • Unless otherwise directed by SCC, radio Units shall only use the "repeat mode;"
  • At the start of shift, report “in service” with SCC;
  • When transmitting on the mobile radio, place the microphone as close to the mouth as possible.  When transmitting on all other types of equipment keep the microphone approximately one inch from the mouth;
  • Speak in a normal tone, making the voice as emotionless as possible, regardless of the situation-keep the voice to a monotone;
  • Pronounce words distinctly and rather slowly--the normal speaking rate should be between 40 to 60, words per minute;
  • Identify your Unit at the start and end of each transmission;
  • Except in an emergency, do not transmit during a "busy" tone which indicates the frequency is being used; and
  • Refer to the Department Official Code Book for message codes to use when transmitting.

Any transmission longer than 30 seconds should be broken at 30-second intervals, stopping transmission and waiting 2 or 3 seconds before resuming transmission.  This interval provides for the following:

  • Allows the copying Station to assure the Unit that the message is being received or, if not receiving, allows time to ask for a repeat message; and
  • Allows any other Station with an emergency transmission to go ahead without waiting.