3-06/070.00 - Communications Equipment

Communications and Fleet Management Bureau has responsibility for communications equipment of all types.  Requests to purchase, survey, install, alter, extend, remove or any other request in regard to any Department JDIC, MDT/CAD, portable or mobile voice radio, public address system, intercom, portable or mobile or other electronic devices (such as GPS monitors, video feeds, etc.) shall be requested on a SH-AD-32A through the Department Chief Information Officer (CIO) – Chief of Technical Services Division.

This includes any and all installations of any items in the station desk area.

Units are specifically prohibited from altering in any way the CAD, GST, VESTA, CSI, and any and all fallback radio equipment.  Unit Commanders are responsible for ensuring the standard equipment assembly (CAD, CSI, GST, VESTA, and fallback radios) as installed by Technical Services Division is not altered in any way.

To maximize office safety and efficiency, Unit Dispatchers and Watch Deputies shall ensure that all Station desk hardware and software is functional, operational, and all required users are logged on with the proper credentials.  Specifically, they shall ensure that the CAD, CSI, 9-1-1 (VESTA), and GPS viewing units are functional, operational, and users are logged on with proper credentials.

The Station Dispatcher shall check the GST viewer at least twice per shift as well as maintain constant vigilance to ensure that all GPS equipped units assigned to his or her Station are logged on and visible.  If specific GPS equipped units are not visible to the Dispatcher on the GST viewer, he or she shall contact the unit and ascertain the reason.  If the Dispatcher and unit are not able to resolve the issue to become “visible” on the Dispatcher’s viewer, the unit shall contact the Central Help Desk for assistance.  If the issue cannot be resolved at that level, the vehicle should be removed from service pending a response by technicians.

If the viewer is not functioning properly, the Dispatcher shall troubleshoot the issue to resolution according to training.  If the issue is unable to be resolved at the Dispatcher’s level, he or she shall call the Central Help Desk and ensure a trouble ticket is generated.    

Requests for telephones, additional directories and/or modifications of existing telephone equipment, shall be prepared on a Departmental Supply Requisition. Upon completion, send the form to the Telephone Coordinator, Communications and Fleet Management Bureau.

Any exceptions to this policy must be expressly granted in writing and kept on file at the Unit only after review by Communication and Fleet Management and Technical Services Division Chief.