Unit Commanders are responsible for Unit employee funds. This responsibility encompasses:
- Reviewing and initialing fund records a minimum of once per quarter;
- Appointing a Unit fund administrator and an assistant fund administrator;
- Approving any expenditures over $50.00;
- Initial receipt of fund bank statements; and
- Establishing any additional regulations needed for further control.
Fund administrators are responsible for:
- Keeping the cash box, check book and blank checks if no safe is available;
- Retaining one key to the cash box;
- Keeping the back-up diskette if an electronic accounting system is being used;
- Co-signing any checks written against the fund account;
- Examining the record of receipts and expenditures at least once per week; initialing the record to show that it has been examined;
- Reviewing bank statement reconciliation(s) monthly; initialing next to the balance to indicate that the bank balance is in agreement with the ledger balance;
- Verifying the amount of cash on hand monthly, if any;
- Appoint an individual to assist the assistant fund administrator in the collection and totaling of monies from fund administered coin receptors;
- Chairing meetings when a committee is used to administer the affairs of the fund; and
- Any other duties consistent with the sound administration of the fund.
Assistant fund administrators are responsible for:
- Making collections;
- Recording receipts and disbursements in the permanent record; initialing the record next to each entry;
- Providing sequentially numbered hard copies of current records for review by the fund administrator when a computerized record keeping system is in use. Retaining the initialed and approved hard copies as part of the permanent record after they have been reviewed by the fund administrator;
- Creating and maintaining current a back-up diskette for the fund administrator when an electronic accounting system is being used;
- Co-signing any checks written against the fund account;
- Purchasing any supplies required for fund activities or record keeping;
- Reconciling the monthly bank statement(s);
- The quarterly posting, in conspicuous and appropriate areas of a current statement of fund receipts and disbursements and a profit and loss statement for any fund administered coin receptors;
- Retaining one key to the cash box; and
- Any other duties consistent with the purpose of the fund as delegated to him.
Alternates for any of the listed regular positions shall assume the responsibilities of such position.