3-05/070.00 - Revolving Fund

Some stations and Bureaus have been allotted a limited amount of cash which is used as a change fund in conjunction with the transaction of County business which involves the receipt of payments from the public.  It shall not be used for purchases, trustee phone calls, cashing personal checks, mileage checks, IOUs, etc.  Unit Commanders shall be financially liable for misuse of these funds.

The change fund shall be maintained in a locked container with the Watch Deputy at the public counter having responsibility for the cash during his shift.  At change of shift, the outgoing and incoming Watch Deputies shall count the money; if it is in order, the incoming Watch Deputy shall sign the Change Fund Control (SH-R-341) under the entry for his shift to indicate that the fund is in order.

Each shift Watch Deputy shall turn over the key to the change fund container to the relieving Watch Deputy.  With the exception of the emergency key assigned to the Unit Commander, no other key shall be available.  The Watch Deputy shall be responsible for making all change and for the security of the fund during his shift.

If there is discrepancy (shortage or overage), the outgoing Watch Deputy shall immediately notify his Watch Commander, who shall assist the two Watch Deputies in determining the reason for the discrepancy.