3-05/020.10 - Permittee Mileage Claims

An original and two copies of Mileage Claim (76M395) shall be prepared by the employee in strict conformance with the instructions printed on the reverse side of the form.  Employees shall make full and complete entries paying particular attention to times given, miles traveled and purpose of trips.

Receipts for paid parking in conjunction with a trip shall be attached to the Mileage Claim and the "Parking Claimed" section shall be completed.  Reimbursement is available for parking expenses incurred while performing County business at a facility other than the permittee's headquarters.  Parking expenses are allowed only if non-fee County/guest parking is not available.  Parking receipts/vouchers are required, except when seeking reimbursement for parking meter expenditures.

The purpose of the trip may be explained by indicating the Department case file number, the court case number, etc., whenever possible.  In addition, the employee number shall be added above the signature of the employee.

Prior to submitting mileage claims to the Unit Commander for approval and signature, supervisors, of the rank of Sergeant and above, shall review all claims for reasonableness, accuracy and completeness.

The mileage claim (original and two copies) shall be reviewed and approved by the Unit Commander (Captain, Director or above).  The original and first copy shall be forwarded to Personnel Administration.  The employee shall retain the second copy for his records.

Unit Commanders shall enforce the Auditor-Controller's rules and instructions governing mileage claims as stated on the reverse side of the mileage form.

Personnel Administration may randomly review, on a routine basis, mileage forms for completeness prior to forwarding said claims to the Auditor-Controller.  Incomplete claims shall be returned to the permittee for correction.