3-04/030.10 - Department Procedures for Responding to Complainant Dissatisfaction -- Administrative Investigations

Every public complainant whose complaint is investigated by means of an administrative investigation shall be sent a letter, signed by the concerned unit commander, providing feedback on the outcome of the investigation. The letter will inform the complainant that if he/she is dissatisfied following completion of an unfounded or unresolved investigation, the complainant has an option to call the unit commander within 10 business days of the date of the letter.

If the complainant chooses to discuss his dissatisfaction with the unit commander, the unit commander shall carefully listen to the complainant's explanation and determine whether any avenues yet remain, at the unit-level, for satisfying the complainant.  The unit commander should explain to the complainant any significant factors that influenced his decision to classify the investigation as either unfounded or unresolved.  The unit commander may consider utilizing the conflict resolution process, if the circumstances indicate that such an option might facilitate satisfaction, or enhance communication or understanding between the respective parties.