3-03/060.15 - Replacing Items of Identification

Members whose identification items are stolen, lost or damaged, on duty or off duty, shall:

  • Prepare a memorandum (SH-AD-32A) to their Unit Commander detailing the circumstances;
  • Complete an Incident Report when applicable, or submit a copy of the investigating police agency's report; and
  • Complete an Affidavit of Loss (SH-AD-90) to Personnel Administration.

Refer to possession of Unauthorized Identification Items in the Policy and Ethics chapter.

The Unit Commander, upon verifying the loss or damage, shall direct a memorandum to Personnel Administration requesting that the items be loaned to the member.  A copy of the member's memorandum detailing the circumstances of the loss or damage shall be attached.

Upon presentation of the foregoing, Personnel Administration shall issue the member loan identification items, with the exception of the flat badge.

Flat badges shall not be loaned out.  Members shall use their uniform badge as identification until their replacement identification items are ready.

Members shall return any on-loan identification items to Personnel Administration upon notification that their replacement identification items are ready.

The Unit Commander shall determine the degree of responsibility of the member for the theft, loss or damage.

The Unit Commander shall direct a memorandum to Personnel Administration indicating whether or not the loss or damage was due to negligence for inclusion in the member's personnel folder.

If the Unit Commander determines that the member was negligent and/or that the loss/damage could have been prevented had the member exercised reasonable judgement and precaution, the Unit Commander may recommend appropriate remedial or disciplinary action in accordance with existing Department guidelines.  The recommendation shall include a statement that, in cases of negligence, the member shall be held accountable for the repair/replacement costs.  Consideration should be given to any previous incidents of negligence by the employee.

The Unit Commander shall direct the member to Personnel Administration to reimburse the Department for the replacement items.  Personnel Administration shall issue receipts for payment authorizing replacement of the items.  A refusal to reimburse the Department for repair/replacement costs caused by the member's negligence may result in civil action against the member.

When such reported items are found or recovered, the normal entry shall be made in the Property Control Ledger and, unless the items are required as evidence in a case, they shall be turned over to Personnel Administration as soon as possible and a receipt obtained.  If such items are required as evidence a memorandum concerning their recovery shall be sent to Personnel Administration as soon as possible.  When evidentiary use is concluded the items, or a memorandum reporting their disposition, shall be forwarded to Personnel Administration for inclusion in the badge file.

When reported items have been paid for by the member and the items are later recovered and are in good condition the employee shall be reimbursed by Fiscal Administration.