3-02/290.20 - Preparation for and Completion of Duties

All Department members are expected to be fully dressed, in their required uniform or business attire, ready to begin work, at the time their regularly-scheduled shift begins. There is no requirement that members dress into their uniform at the workplace so long as they are in compliance with MPP, section 3-03/030.10, Who Shall Wear Uniforms. The Department provides lockers and other amenities at most work sites as a convenience privilege; however, the Department expects that, if a member opts to dress at work before or after his/her assigned shift, the member is off duty and shall not be compensated with any type of pay or benefit.

All work activities, including briefings, equipment check-out and check-in, Department vehicle preparation, and computer use for Department business, shall be completed within members’ regularly scheduled shift hours, unless prior approval from their unit commander or a designated supervisor is obtained. In emergent situations where prior approval is impractical to obtain, members shall obtain approval at their first opportunity.

If it is necessary to pass on information to shift relief personnel, members are expected to do so expeditiously, utilizing such tools as assignment logs, email, overlap personnel, and their supervisors, during the members’ regularly scheduled shift, where possible. If pass on information cannot be conveyed in a less than significant amount of time, or if there is a delay in shift relief at a mandated post, members shall notify their supervisor at their first opportunity and obtain approval to work overtime.

Properly-relieved members who elect to remain at their unit of assignment after their regularly scheduled shift has concluded shall not continue to perform work for the Department, unless they have obtained express authorization from their unit commander or designated supervisor to perform overtime work.

Members shall not dissuade another employee from reporting overtime worked. Members shall not work overtime without requesting compensation, or knowingly permit another employee to do so.


Employees covered by FLSA shall have prior approval from their supervisor, before working overtime, unless such overtime worked is the result of a bona fide emergency (e.g., natural disaster, riot, spontaneous jail lockdown, etc.).  Absent emergent situations, per this MPP, failure to obtain prior approval violates County policy and may result in employee discipline. 


Supervisors shall ensure that members in their chain of command adhere to the provisions of this policy.  Managers and approving supervisors shall also ensure that overtime is within their budget and is not misused by employees.  However, any overtime that is worked by an employee, and that is properly documented, whether it was pre-authorized or unauthorized, shall be paid/saved, if applicable, in accordance with the FLSA.  Supervisors shall conduct a comprehensive review of this policy with their subordinates, during the subordinates’ annual performance evaluation process, and the subordinates’ acknowledgment and understanding of this policy shall be documented in the evaluation.


Unit commanders shall ensure that supervisors under their command strictly enforce the provisions of this policy. Unit commanders shall also ensure that efficient shift change procedures are practiced at their units of assignment, and that contingency plans are maintained, so that mandatory posts are relieved on time.