3-02/140.10 - Valor, Purple Heart, Sheriff's Humanitarian, Line of Duty, Lifesaving and Public Safety Awards

Valor Awards

Exceptional heroic acts performed on or off-duty by employees or reserve members of this Department may be formally recognized by presentation of one of three Department approved Valor Awards:

  • Medal of Valor
  • Meritorious Conduct Medal, Gold
  • Meritorious Conduct Medal, Silver

Nominating Procedures for Valor Awards

Unit commanders will submit nominations for actions of a subordinate to their division chief or division director.  The nomination shall contain all pertinent information and any supporting documentation substantiating the actions of the nominee.

The division chief or division director will review the nomination and forward same to the Awards Evaluation Committee with a recommendation for approval or disapproval.  If the recommendation is for disapproval, an explanation will be included.

Unit commanders and division chiefs or division directors will not recommend the level of the award.

If the division chief or division director is unavailable, the nomination will be held pending his/her return.  Nominations that would be delayed in excess of 30 days may be reviewed by the division's acting chief or division’s acting director.

Purple Heart Award

The Purple Heart Award is presented when an employee sustains a traumatic physical injury as a result of a violent encounter with the criminal element and the employee attempts to continue to perform his/her job functions.  This award would be considered only when the employee sustains an injury while performing a high risk law enforcement function and/or involved in a tactical situation.

The Purple Heart Award is presented when an employee through no fault of his/her own, sustains a traumatic physical injury during the performance of job-related functions such as a rescue operation, a hazardous material exposure, a riot, a traffic collision or other accident, and the employee attempts to continue to perform his/her job functions.

NOTE:    The Purple Heart will not be awarded if the injury occurred as a direct result of employees’ negligent or inappropriate actions.

Sheriff’s Humanitarian Award

The Sheriff’s Humanitarian Award is presented to those Department members who selflessly perform acts of personal commitment and sacrifice to help others.  These acts are exceptional, ongoing, and extraordinary, and are considered well above the normal routine.

Line of Duty Award

When employees or reserve members of this Department, through no fault of their own, sustain serious or career debilitating injuries during the performance of job related functions such as a violent encounter with the criminal element, a rescue operation, a hazardous materials exposure, a riot, or a traffic or other accident, they may be formally recognized by presentation of the Department approved Line of Duty Award and a uniform pin.

Lifesaving Award

Employees or reserve members whose actions result in the saving or preservation of a human life that otherwise would have expired without the employee’s direct involvement may be formally recognized by presentation of the Department approved Lifesaving Award and a uniform pin.  One Lifesaving Award will be issued to each individual employee or reserve member based on the entirety of the event.  The Lifesaving Award will only be awarded when the action does not rise to the level that would qualify for a Valor Award.

Public Safety Award

The Public Safety Award is presented to entire bureaus or units whose employees’ combined outstanding efforts led to a positive impact on public safety, such as an area-wide decrease in Part I crimes or acquiring national recognition for significant accomplishments in public safety issues.

Nominating Procedures for Purple Heart, Sheriff’s Humanitarian, Line of Duty, Lifesaving, and Public Safety Awards

Unit commanders will submit nominations to their division chiefs or division directors.  The nomination shall contain all pertinent information and any supporting documentation substantiating the injury, the circumstances surrounding the incident, and actions of the nominee or unit.

The division chief or division director will review the nomination and forward it to the Awards Evaluation Committee with a recommendation for approval or disapproval.  If the recommendation is for disapproval, an explanation will be included.

If the division chief or division director is unavailable, the nomination will be held pending his return.  Nominations that would be delayed in excess of 30 days may be reviewed by the division’s acting chief or division’s acting director.

Awards Evaluation Committee

The Awards Evaluation Committee shall be comprised of the following members:  One assistant sheriff and various Department employees from all the divisions within the Department.  All divisions will be represented by both sworn and professional staff.  An assistant sheriffswill serve as chairperson.

Committee members, except for the assistant sheriff, will be selected by the Executive Planning Council and will serve a term of two years.

Rules of Order - Awards Evaluation Committee

The Awards Evaluation Committee will be convened, as necessary, at a time and place to be determined by the committee chairperson.

Valor, Purple Heart, Sheriff’s Humanitarian, Line of Duty, Lifesaving, and Public Safety Awards nominations will be reviewed individually by the committee.  The level of Valor Award will be determined solely on the merits of the nominated action as strictly applied to the established criteria for each award.  An evaluation form will be provided to each Committee member as an aid in determining the level of Valor Award to be presented.

Determination of the level of Valor Award will be by unanimous approval of the voting committee members.  Valor, Purple Heart, Sheriff’s Humanitarian, Line of Duty, Lifesaving, and Public Safety Awards will be subject to final approval of the Sheriff.

Valor, Purple Heart, Sheriff’s Humanitarian, Line of Duty, Lifesaving, and Public Safety Awards will be presented following completion of the nomination procedure.