3-02/090.30 - Signatures on Performance Evaluations

Improvement Needed" or "Unsatisfactory"

When the overall evaluation is "improvement nNeeded" or "unsatisfactory," the completed performance evaluation shall be sent intact through the appropriate channels for review and required signatures.  The form will then be returned to the originating unit.  The unit will contact Personnel Administration Bureau to advise them of the evaluation and the name of the employee who is to receive it.  The evaluation will then be discussed with the employee.

After the employee has signed the evaluation, copy 4 will be given to the employee.  Should the employee refuse to sign the evaluation, the rater will write "Refused to Sign" in the employee's signature space and place their initials next to the statement.  The rater will then give the employee copy 4 of the evaluation.  This will comply with the grievance procedure’s time requirements.

The originating unit will hold the evaluation for ten business days, after which time copies 1 and 2 shall be sent to Personnel Administration Bureau and copy 3 will be placed in the employee's unit file.

If the employee files a grievance, the evaluation must be held at the unit until the grievance process is concluded.

The following shall be the guide for the required signatures:

  • Rater - Supervisor who evaluates the employee;
  • Reviewer - Division chief or division director under whom the employee is assigned;
  • Department Head - Sheriff, Undersheriff, or assistant sheriffs; and
  • Employee - Employee being evaluated.

Unit commanders and area commanders shall indicate that the contents have been noted by signing elsewhere on the front of the form.

"Competent" or "Very Good"

When the overall evaluation is "competent" or "very good," the completed performance evaluation will be reviewed and signed.  The rater will then discuss the evaluation with the employee, have him sign it, and give the employee copy 4.  If the employee refuses to sign the evaluation, the rater will write "Refused to Sign" in the employee's signature space and place their initials next to the statement.  The rater will then give the employee copy 4 of the evaluation.  This will comply with the grievance procedure’s time requirements.

The originating unit will then hold the remaining copies 1, 2, and 3 of the evaluation intact for ten business days prior to sending copies 1 and 2 to Personnel Administration Bureau and placing copy 3 in the employee's unit file.

The following shall be the guide for the required signatures:

  • Rater - Supervisor who evaluates the employee;
  • Reviewer/Department Head - Unit commander; and

NOTE:    Only captains, directors and above will sign as the Department Head,

  • Employee - Employee being evaluated.


When the overall evaluation is "outstanding," the completed performance evaluation form shall be reviewed and approved by the unit commander.  The unit commander shall sign the outstanding performance evaluation in the area designated as reviewer if a lower ranking person has signed as rater.  If the unit commander is the rater, the area commander shall sign as the reviewer.  The evaluation form shall be forwarded to the concerned assistant sheriffs who will sign as the Department head.  The form will be returned to the originating unit, at which time it will be formally discussed with the employee.  After the employee has signed the evaluation, copy 4 will be given to the employee.

The originating unit will hold the evaluation for ten business days, after which time copies 1 and 2 shall be sent to Personnel Administration Bureau and copy 3 will be placed in the employee's unit file.

The following shall be the guide for the required signatures:

  • Rater - Supervisor who evaluates the employee;
  • Reviewer - Unit commander or area commander;

Department Head - Appropriate division chief or division director under whom the employee was assigned during the rating period.  The appropriate assistant sheriffs or Undersheriff will sign as Department head on “outstanding” evaluations for sworn personnel at or above the rank of lieutenant and civilian personnel at or above the director-level.