3-02/080.40 - Participation in Work Experience Educational Program

Members taking a class wherein their course work requires that they spend a period of time, on or off-duty, either within their own unit of assignment or another element of the Department, shall advise their unit commander in writing prior to such activity.

Members anticipating involvement with another unit shall request the approval, through channels, from that unit’s commander.  The request shall include a statement of the member’s course objectives and desired scope of activity.  Unit commanders shall review each request as to propriety and his unit’s ability to accommodate the member.  The unit commander shall, through channels, advise the member of his approval or disapproval of the request.

Supervisors to whom these members are assigned for training and/or evaluation purposes shall complete any evaluations required by the concerned college or university. Two copies of the member's final evaluation shall be sent to the commander of the member's home unit.  The unit commander shall forward one copy of this evaluation to the member's division chief or division director.