3-02/030.19 - Unit Employee's Responsibility

Employees with a reserve obligation shall:

  • Provide their unit commander with the weekend training schedule and their annual training schedule, as soon as they are published.  Formal written orders are not normally issued for weekend training drills.
  • Notify their unit commander of any anticipated training requirements that will involve their absence from work.
  • Return from their weekend training drills in a timely manner.  For weekend training drills and annual training, USERRA requires an employee to report back to work at the next regularly scheduled shift on the day following release from military duty, plus safe travel home and eight hours rest.
  • Submit written orders, if they performed a period of reserve service of 31 days or more.  The standard form denoting the conditions and length of service is the DD-214 form “Report of Separation from Active Duty.”

Employee’s Called to Active Duty Out Processing Responsibilities

An employee called to active duty shall:

  • Immediately notify their Department unit of assignment, upon notification (e.g., receive their orders or verbal notification of a report date) of his/her recall to active duty.  This notification will also minimize possible disruption in employee pay and benefits.
  • Shall work with their unit of assignment to ensure that the requirements listed on the Military Leave Check-Out form (SH-AD 692) are complied with, as soon as possible.  Under no circumstances shall the employee be left to complete the process on their own.
  • Provide his/her current military unit of assignment information.  This shall be used to maintain contact with the employee until he/she can advise the Department of their location and contact numbers, etc.  This is even more critical for those employees whose military duties are classified.
  • Notify their unit of assignment of a proxy (e.g., family member, co-worker, etc.) who shall work on their behalf, in the event that the employee is called to active duty suddenly and is not able to comply with the normal check out procedures.
  • Make every effort to submit a copy of their military orders.  These orders are critical in determining anticipated length of service and as an alternative means of contacting the employee while on active duty.
  • Provide his/her current military unit of assignment information.  This shall be used to maintain contact with the employee until he/she can advise the Department of their location and contact numbers, etc.  This is even more critical for those employees whose military duties are classified.
  • Verify and/or update their personal information, specifically the emergency contact numbers.
  • Provide Personnel Administration Bureau’s Pay, Leaves, and Records (PLR) Unit with a copy of their Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) form, as soon as possible.  The LES is necessary to comply with the requirements set forth by the Board of Supervisors in order to ensure no disruption to the employee’s pay.

Employee’s Returning from Active Duty In-Processing Responsibilities

An employee returning from active duty shall:

  • Regardless of their Department rank and job classification, each employee will need to make arrangements with the retirement board (LACERA) to ensure the period of military service is accounted for and funded.
  • This MPPrequires an employee to submit his/her “Separation from Active Duty” papers, upon return to the Department for periods of military service over 30 days.  It is important to note that under USERRA, an employee may lose their right to re-employment if the period of service is under dishonorable conditions.  The separation paper shall validate the employee’s length of service and the conditions of service.  The separation paperwork is also essential to the Pay, Leaves, and Records (PLR) Unit of Personnel Administration Bureau to ensure the proper timekeeping codes are used in the eHR Human Resources Management Application.
  • Complete a reintegration program, facilitated by their unit of assignment, to ensure the employee transitions seamlessly back into the Department.
  • Complete an informational only briefing with Employee Support Services Bureau (ESSB).  This briefing is not to be confused with a counseling session or the equivalent of a post-shooting interview.  Rather, the intent of the briefing is to provide the employee with an update on the services available to him/her and their families during the return to civilian life.  Should the employee choose to avail him or herself of the ESSB services, the normal confidentiality restrictions shall be followed.

Additional Information

Additional information and resources may be found on Personnel Administration Bureau’s web site by navigating the following path:

  • Personnel Administration Bureau
  • Pay, Leaves, and Records Unit
  • Leaves Unit
  • Military Leave