3-02/020.30 - Supplemental Law Enforcement Services for Public School Districts

Regular or reserve deputies may volunteer to provide supplemental law enforcement services to public school districts that have contracted with the County for these services.  The contract provides law enforcement services at school-sponsored events.  Such events are defined as those school activities sanctioned by the governing board of the school district for public attendance by students and non-student adults, e.g., athletic events, school dances, cultural exhibits, etc. 

Assigned personnel will be subject to the rules and regulations of the Department while performing these services.

Requests from school districts' governing boards for security post assignments to protect school property or students from criminal activity not related to public events sponsored by the school district and beyond the basic level of services customarily provided by this Department shall be evaluated by the concerned division chief.

Voluntary assignments to school districts' activities shall be paid to sworn personnel at premium (1-1/2) rate (reserve deputy personnel are compensated at a special straight-time rate) pursuant to the public school district's contract.  Sworn personnel assigned to divisions other than patrol may volunteer for the assignments through station supervisors after receiving written approval from their unit commander and the concerned station commander.

Overtime for F.L.S.A. employees shall be reported, in duplicate, on the F.L.S.A. Employee - Overtime Hours Worked Report form (SH-AD-678) utilizing an applicable Overtime Reason Code and Budget Activity Code RE03 (e.g., Overtime Reason Code 804 - Directed Patrol and Budget Activity Code RE03 – School District Contract [904]).

Paid assignments for reserve deputies shall be reported, in duplicate, on the Reserve Deputy - Paid Hours Worked Report form (SH-AD-678R) utilizing an applicable Reason Code and Budget Activity Code RE03 (e.g., Reason Code 804 – Directed Patrol and Budget Activity Code RE03 – School District Contract [904]).

Employees shall include all pertinent information on the applicable form, including the time, location, and description of the event under the “Detailed Explanation and Justification of Overtime Worked” field. The School District Event Supervisor shall review the applicable form and approve by signing.

Employees covered by F.L.S.A. shall have prior approval from their supervisor before working overtime, unless such overtime worked is the result of a bona fide emergency (e.g., natural disaster, riot, spontaneous jail lockdown, etc.).  Absent emergent situations, per this MPP, failure to obtain prior approval violates County policy and may result in employee discipline.

Managers and approving supervisors shall ensure that overtime is within their budget and is not misused by employees.  However, any overtime that is worked by an employee and that is properly documented, whether it was pre-authorized or unauthorized, shall be paid in accordance with the F.L.S.A.

Contract Law Enforcement Bureau’s Responsibilities

  • Provide each station commander with an appropriate number of school district contract forms and sample instructional letters, which supply the needed information for proper execution and transmittal of a signed contract;
  • Forward signed boilerplate contracts in quadruplicate to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for execution by the County;
  • Advise the concerned station commander when the contract with a school district is in force;
  • Maintain a file of copies of executed contracts currently in force;
  • Assign a School District Control File Number (SCN) and maintain a billing event file for approved school district events; and
  • Forward the original signed School District Event Time Worked Report to Fiscal Administration for service billing to the concerned school district.

Station Commander's Responsibilities

  • Contact each public school district head in the station’s area of command and inform him/her that the district’s governing board must enter into a contract with the County if they desire to hire sworn personnel for appropriate school events;
  • After it has been determined that the school district desires to enter into a contract with the County, forward four copies of the contract along with an instructional letter to the governing board of the school district;
  • Solicit volunteer personnel to work school district assignments upon notification that the contract is in force;
  • Ensure that the scheduling of voluntary overtime assignments are distributed on an equitable basis per MPP, section 3-02/010.16, Filling Vacancies with Overtime;
  • Provide for adequate supervision of regular and reserve deputies, when needed, in planning for the assignments;
  • Receive prior authorization from the school district for necessary overtime worked by the supervisor to coordinate and schedule assignments; and
  • Approve and sign the completed School District Event Time Worked Report (SH-AD-627).

School District Event Supervisor's Responsibilities

  • Ensure that volunteers from divisions other than patrol have written approval from their unit commander and the concerned station commander prior to assigning these volunteers to approved school district events;
  • Coordinate and schedule volunteers, including supervisory personnel, for assignment to school district events;
  • Verify attendance at the school event from assigned supervisory personnel and approve the employees' overtime slips;
  • Prepare and sign the School District Event Time Worked Report (SH-AD-627) for each school event; and
  • Forward the original and one photocopy of the SH-AD-627 to the Contract Law Enforcement Bureau.

Approved overtime slips for each event shall be stapled to the unit copy of the SH-AD-627 and retained in the unit files for two years.

The coordinating supervisor shall be responsible for all record-keeping of public school district events.