3-02/020.27 - Procedures for the Reporting of Paid Assignments Worked by Reserve Deputies

Whenever reserve deputies work paid assignments, the following guidelines shall apply:

  • Reserve deputies may work public entities (applicable Reason Code and Budget Activity Code RE07), private entities (applicable Reason Code and Budget Activity Code RE02), special events (applicable Reason Code and Budget Activity Code RE01), non-reimbursed events with Control Number (OCN)/Project Code (applicable Reason Code and Budget Activity Code PR01), and unincorporated area patrol back-fill positions;
  • Reserve deputies are covered by F.L.S.A. and, therefore, shall have prior approval from their supervisor before working paid assignments, unless such assignment worked is the result of a bona fide emergency (e.g., natural disaster, riot, spontaneous jail lockdown, etc.).  Absent emergent situations, per this MPP, failure to obtain prior approval violates County policy and may result in employee discipline.  
  • Managers and approving supervisors shall ensure that overtime is within their budget and is not misused by employees.  However, any paid assignment that is worked by a reserve deputy and that is properly documented, whether it was pre-authorized or unauthorized, shall be paid in accordance with the F.L.S.A.
  • A reserve Deputy - Paid Hours Worked Report form (SH-AD-678R) shall be prepared for each separate period of a paid assignment worked by a reserve deputy on any given day.  A report must be submitted regardless of whether the paid assignment hours were voluntary or ordered and must accurately reflect the number of hours worked to ensure proper compensation.
  • The reserve deputy shall complete and sign the “Reserve Deputy - Paid Hours Worked Report” in triplicate and submit the report to the shift supervisor on the day the paid assignment is worked.  The supervisor shall sign the form confirming the hours worked.  A copy of the report shall remain with the unit where the paid assignment was worked.  The reserve deputy shall submit the remaining two copies of the report to his/her home unit’s commander for signature and approval for payment;
  • The reserve deputy shall also complete a paper “Reserve Deputy Daily Time Card” indicating the hours worked.  The paper “Reserve Deputy Daily Time Card” and the “Reserve Deputy - Paid Hours Worked Report” shall be submitted to the reserve deputy coordinator at the reserve deputy’s home unit;
  • The reserve deputy coordinator shall review the documents for accuracy and sign the paper “Reserve Deputy Daily Time Card” as the approving supervisor.  The report shall be forwarded to the unit’s time accountant for processing;

Station event coordinators who prepare memos and reporting forms for the Contract Law Enforcement Bureau in accordance with policy shall include all of the standard information that is required for full-time sworn personnel (e.g., name, rank-reserve, employee number, dates worked, hours worked, vehicle number, and mileage of any County vehicles used) for reserve deputies.