3-02/010.35 - Transfers - Security Officer or Security Assistant Personnel

Routine transfers of personnel shall be effected at 0001 hours Sunday of the designated week.  Transfer lists will be broadcast as far in advance as possible to allow employees an opportunity to obtain their schedule at their new unit of assignment.  This will also allow for any rescheduling which may be needed to meet Creditable Service Hours (CSH) requirements.

NOTE:    When other than routine transfers occur, immediate attention should be given to the employee's current work status so that shortages or overages in required CSH will not occur.

The staffing needs of the Department shall be the highest priority in the assignment of personnel.  The following policies will serve as guidelines which will be followed to the extent staffing requirements permit.

Exceptions to the provisions of this policy may be granted by the assistant sheriffs based on Department needs.

Transfer Policy

  • The transfer preference list shall be based on security officer or security assistant item seniority;
  • Transfer requests may be submitted throughout the year; however, transfer lists will be updated twice per year (prior to January and July);
  • Unless extraordinary or extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated, a minimum of six months will be served at the new assignment before the next transfer request will be processed;
  • When an academy class graduation is pending, transfer deletions will not be accepted if made later than four weeks prior to the scheduled graduation;
  • Administrative transfers shall not void an employee's transfer request that has placed the employee on a seniority transfer list;
  • Transfer requests will be used to fill available vacancies in the Department.  New transfer requests will be processed and supersede current requests on file.