3-02/010.19 - Overtime Worked At Other Assignments

Prior to an employee working overtime at any unit other than their permanent unit of assignment, employees shall receive prior written consent from their unit commander to work overtime at other unit(s) of assignment.  The unit commander giving consent shall document the consent with a memorandum to the unit commander where the overtime is to be worked.  The memorandum shall be accompanied with the employee’s Performance Recording and Monitoring System printout.  Both unit commanders shall closely review the documents, especially the “Special Conditions” section of the employee’s Performance Recording and Monitoring System printout, prior to giving the employee consent to work outside overtime.  Consent may be withheld with good cause.  The employee shall be provided with written documentation from the unit commander or designee within 5 business days of the request to work describing the reasons the consent was withheld.

Whenever an employee works overtime at a unit other than their permanent unit of assignment, it is the responsibility of the unit where the overtime was earned to immediately notify the employee’s permanent assignment.  This is to assist in precluding individuals from violating the provisions of MPP, section 3-02/010.15 and section 3-02/010.17 (no employee shall work more than 12 consecutive days without a day off...; no employee shall work more than 19 hours consecutively; no employee may work back-to-back doubles...).

Employees covered by F.L.S.A. shall have prior approval from their supervisor before working overtime, unless such overtime worked is the result of a bona fide emergency (e.g., natural disaster, riot, spontaneous jail lockdown, etc.).  Absent emergent situations, per this MPP, failure to obtain prior approval violates County policy and may result in employee discipline.  

Managers and approving supervisors shall ensure that overtime is within their budget and is not misused by employees.  However, any overtime that is worked by an employee and that is properly documented, whether it was pre-authorized or unauthorized, shall be paid/saved, if applicable, in accordance with the F.L.S.A.

Overtime relating to the individual’s home unit of assignment is the highest priority and shall take precedence over overtime at other units.  Outside overtime assignments may be limited or curtailed by the unit commander if the unit’s scheduling commitments cannot be regularly met.  Exceptions are Department-wide special events (e.g., Rose Parade and elections).  Any employee violating an order to limit or cease working outside overtime may be subject to discipline.