3-01/110.90 - Fraternization and Prohibited Association with Informants

Members shall not knowingly fraternize with, engage the services of, accept services from, do favors for, or maintain a business or personal relationship or association with persons who are acting in the capacity of an informant as defined in MPP section 3-01/110.60.

Relationships between Deputy personnel and informants must remain ethical and professional.  To associate with an informant in any way other than in an official capacity is strictly prohibited.  When contacting informants in person, Deputies shall have another Deputy or law enforcement officer present.  Deputies shall not accept any gifts or gratuities from an informant or engage with them in any business or financial dealings.  Any offer of gifts or gratuities by an informant to a Department member shall be reported by the member to his or her supervisor.  The supervisor shall evaluate the informant’s suitability for continued service.

Any member contacted by, or on behalf of an informant, past or present, shall report such contact to their immediate supervisor, if that person initiated the contact, and the reason for the contact is unrelated to a current investigation.

Refer to the revised Informant Guidelines Form (SH-AD-687) which states that Department personnel shall not meet with an informant by themselves.  This form advises informants not to meet any member of our Department that is alone and not with a partner.