3-01/060.25 - Prohibited Employment

Under Government Code section 24004 and 24004.5, regular sworn personnel shall not:

  • Represent any person or practice law in a criminal matter or in any instance where there may be a conflict of interest or in any matter adverse to the Department;
  • Have a partner lawyer whose practice may cause a conflict of interest;
  • Act as a collector or be employed by any collection agency in Los Angeles County; and/or
  • Have a partner who is a lawyer, collector or anyone who acts as a lawyer or collector for a collection agency.

Members of this Department shall not engage in any type of employment or business as a private detective or private patrol operator or  agent, manager, operator, owner of stock or serve in the capacity of an officer in a corporation, or enter into a partnership, either general or limited, or be named on any license for any such business. Further, members shall not have any financial interest in any private detective agency or private security company, either directly or indirectly, by way of community property or trust.  Any such involvement by members of this Department will automatically be construed to be a conflict of interest.

Private security employment may be permitted as a result of an agreement between the Department and a private entity contract services pursuant to section 3-02/020.23. Such employment is not considered “outside security employment.”

Members shall not engage in employment or business, including the services of the Office of Notary Public, which would result in a conflict of interest with the employee's regular duties or responsibilities to this Department. 

It shall be considered a conflict of interest and/or an adverse situation to allow any member engaged in an off-duty law practice, while assigned to the Court Services Division, to make any in-person courtroom appearance as counsel for a party to an action being heard in any Department of the Superior Court within the County of Los Angeles.

Deputy personnel of this Department shall not hold any other position granting peace officer authority pursuant to Penal Code sections 830.2 through 830.12.  The above does not preclude deputy personnel from serving as military police officers in reserve military units or being members of the Sheriff's Mounted Posse.
Civilian personnel may apply and, upon approval, hold reserve peace officer status with this Department or any other agency.  Personnel shall comply with the conditions and regulations set forth in section 3-02/020.20, Outside Employment.  Sheriff's reserve applicants shall submit a copy of the completed Reserve Forces Application, as well as the Request for Approval of Outside Employment (SH-AD-136), to their unit commander for approval.

With the approval of the Reserve Forces Bureau commander, reserve deputies may be employed as part-time or limited-status peace officers with other agencies.

During the course of regular employment, reserves shall only possess Sheriff's Department identification, credential, or issued equipment on their person that is allowed by his or her reserve classification.

Should any reserve member of the Reserve Forces Bureau accept employment in any prohibited occupations, they shall immediately be terminated from the Reserve Forces Bureau. Any occupation not described above, which may be considered a conflict of interest, shall be referred to the unit commander of the Reserve Forces Bureau for final decision.