3-01/050.80 - Grooming and Dress Standards

Any or all of the following guidelines may be inapplicable to an employee as appropriate with the express approval of the concerned Division Chief or Director.

Members shall keep their persons clean and sanitary by frequent bathing.  Proper barbering shall be practiced.

Official uniform and/or business attire shall always be kept as clean and neat as possible.  Leather accessories shall be kept dyed and clean, metal parts shall be shined, and weapons shall be kept clean and serviceable.

Members on duty shall present a professional appearance when representing the Department in court, administrative duties, conventional investigative and staff assignments and other Departmental business activities.  Clothing worn by employees while performing in any of these capacities shall be limited to the prescribed uniform or appropriate business attire.


Uniformed Male Personnel

Hair shall be neat, clean, properly trimmed and well-groomed at all times while on duty.  The hair shall be moderately tapered and may touch the shirt collar, but not extend below it.  Wigs or hairpieces are permitted if they conform to the above hairstyle standards.  Hairstyles and/or wigs and hairpieces shall not interfere with the normal wearing of any regulation headgear.

Sideburns shall be trimmed so as not to extend below the bottom of the earlobe and shall end in a clean shaven horizontal line.  The flare or terminal portion of the sideburn shall not exceed the width of the main portion of the sideburn by more than one-fourth (1/4) the unflared width.

Mustaches shall be neatly trimmed and groomed and shall not extend below the upper lip line or corners of the mouth.  Mustaches shall not extend to the side of mouth by more than one-half (1/2) inch beyond the corners of the mouth.

Beards shall not be permitted.

EXCEPTION:    Uniformed civilian personnel (e.g., Facility Administration crafts personnel, Custody Assistants and Law Enforcement Technicians) who held status in their current classification before May, 1989, and who then had worn a beard, may continue to do so providing it is neatly trimmed and groomed.

Uniformed Female Personnel
Hair shall be kept clean, neat and well groomed at all times while on duty.

The hairstyle shall not be worn in a manner which will jeopardize the safety of the Deputy, cause a hindrance in the performance of her duties or interfere with the use of standard headgear.  The style shall allow quick placement of and ensure proper seal of emergency headgear, i.e., helmet, gas mask, airpack mask.  It shall not extend below the collar or below the eyebrows.

All sworn female personnel in non-uniformed line positions, i.e., detective assignments, shall adhere to the same grooming standards as those in uniformed assignments.

Sworn female personnel in support/staff assignments shall maintain a professional appearance.

The above standard shall be adhered to and enforced by all Unit Commanders.

Male Civilian Personnel

Members' hair shall not extend past the top of the shoulder nor below the eyebrow line on the face.  Beards and mustaches are permitted, but must be neatly trimmed and well groomed.  Wigs or hairpieces are permitted if they conform to these standards.

Female Civilian Personnel

Members' hair shall be neatly styled, trimmed and well groomed.  It shall not be of a style, length or artificial color which is offensive to the general public.  Wigs or hairpieces are permitted if they conform to these standards.


While on duty and wearing any Department-approved uniform or appropriate business attire, members are prohibited from exhibiting any tattoo, branding, or other form of body art which may be seen by another person.

Members who have a tattoo referenced above shall completely cover the tattoo with a skin-toned patch, long-sleeved uniform shirt, or other material which may be formally approved by the Department.

NOTE:    Personnel participating in specific investigations in which visible tattoos may assist in developing investigative credibility may be exempted from the provisions of this section with the expressed written consent of the Undersheriff.

EXCEPTION:    Employees assigned to Detective Division may receive approval from the Detective Division Chief.



The uniform tie is not required for regular daily field assignments; however, under certain circumstances, the Division Chief or Director shall have the option to require the wearing of a tie, e.g., court bailiffs, funeral honor guard or ceremonial occasions.  When tieless, Deputies shall allow only the top (collar) button to remain open.

Partisan political emblems, symbols of fraternal or service organizations, badges and/or emblems of any kind, other than Department authorized awards, shall not be worn.  While on uniform duty, with the exception of the "Medic Alert" bracelet or necklace, jewelry shall be limited to rings and watches.  Uniformed female personnel are permitted to wear small stud earrings.

Uniformed Female Personnel

Appropriate undergarments, including brassiere, shall be worn.

Uniformed Male Personnel

There is no restriction on the exposure of an undergarment with the open collar shirt, providing the undergarment is clean, white, and has a standard round or "V" collar--no turtlenecks.

The only uniform jacket that requires a tie, with a long sleeve shirt, is the Class A dress jacket.

Business Attire

Male personnel shall wear a business suit or sports coat and slacks with conventional shirt and tie.

Female personnel shall wear a dress, dress suit, skirt and blouse, pantsuit or blouse and pants appropriate to a businesslike appearance.

At the direction of the Unit Commander, personnel may wear appropriate business or other suitable attire for their position.  All clothing items shall be clean, neatly pressed, and serviceable at all times.


No visible necklaces, bracelets, or anklets shall be worn while in uniform.  Female Deputies with pierced ears are permitted to wear a single stud earring (no larger than 3/8" in diameter) in each ear lobe.  All other visible jewelry shall be limited to rings and watches.

Body piercings (except those specifically outlined in this section) including but not limited to nose rings, tongue rings, eyebrow rings, or any other form of ornamentation visible or affixed in a position which may be seen by a member of the public are expressly prohibited.

The Medic Alert necklace and bracelet shall be exceptions to the above regulations.

The aforementioned dress standards shall be adhered to and enforced by all Unit Commanders.

Additional Guidelines - Unacceptable Attire

Deputy Personnel

  • Shirts outside trousers;
  • "shirt jackets;"
  • "blue jeans" type suits or pants; and/or
  • "Aloha" type shirts.

All Personnel

  • See-through fashions, without appropriate undergarments and other fashions wherein the absence of appropriate undergarments is unduly distracting; and/or
  • Excessively tight slacks.

Supervisor’s Responsibilities

Supervisors shall ensure all personnel comply with the provisions of this policy.

Unit Commander’s Responsibilities

Unit Commanders shall ensure periodic inspections of subordinate personnel are conducted to ensure compliance with the provisions of this policy.