3-01/030.75 - Bribes, Rewards, Loans, Gifts, Favors

The following rules shall apply:

  • A member shall not accept a bribe or engage in any act of extortion or other unlawful means of obtaining money or property through his position with the Department;
  • Members, individually or collectively, shall not solicit or accept any reward, fee, loan or gratuity in conjunction with services rendered in the performance of their duties;
  • Members shall not use their positions to seek free admission to places of amusement, sporting events, etc. and shall not solicit free meals or transportation or any other favors or gratuities which would not ordinarily be accorded a private citizen; and/or
  • All members are prohibited, without express permission of the Department, from the following:
    • Making any gift for or presenting any gift to or receiving a gift from any prisoner or arrestee;
    • Having any barter or dealing with a prisoner or arrestee; and/or
    • Having any direct or indirect interests in any contracts or purchases by and for a custodial facility.

Violations under this rule shall be subject to penalty under 2540 PC, wherein members of this Department shall be discharged and contractors or agents shall be expelled from the Department facility and not permitted entry in those capacities.