3-01/030.40 - Use of Alcohol

A Department member shall not drink or be under the influence of any kind of alcoholic beverage when on duty and/or in Department uniform.  “On duty” includes any time a member records work hours on their Weekly Time Card, including entries into Timei, and/or an Overtime Worked Report. 

A Department member shall not consume an alcoholic beverage while on duty at Department-related or sponsored activities, events, training, or conferences.  This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Sporting events such as station golf tournaments, baseball games, Baker to Vegas, Police Olympics, or Special Olympics.
  • Conferences such as contract city events, training seminars, fundraisers, and retirement gatherings.
  • Travel to and from any event, training, or conference.

No member shall report for duty or be on duty while under the influence of alcohol, or be unfit for duty because of its use. Members will be considered under the influence of alcohol if they have a blood alcohol content of 0.02 percent or higher in their system.  If a member has the odor of an alcoholic beverage on their breath or there is reasonable suspicion to believe the member is under the influence of alcohol, the unit commander or higher shall order a test of the member.  If a member refuses a direct order to be tested, the employee shall be subject to discipline for violating section 3-01/030.10, Obedience to Laws, Regulations, and Orders.

Members shall not consume any alcoholic beverages while on premises occupied by a unit of the Department. 

NOTE:    If a member is on call but is unable to respond because they are under the influence of alcohol, the failure to respond will not be considered a performance deficiency and no adverse action will be taken against the employee.

This policy does not apply when an employee is working in an undercover capacity and the failure to consume an alcoholic beverage might engender suspicion which could jeopardize the safety of the undercover operative and put the investigation at risk.  Under these circumstances, the undercover operative may drink alcohol as long as reasonable restraint is exercised.