3-01/030.10 - Obedience to Laws, Regulations, and Orders

a) Members shall not willfully violate any federal statute, state law or local ordinance;

b) Members shall conform to and abide by the following:

  • Charter of Los Angeles County;
  • Los Angeles County Code; and
  • Rules of the Department of Human Resources;

c) Members shall obey and properly execute all lawful orders issued by any supervisor of higher rank or classification or who is officially acting in such capacity;

d) When assigned to duty with another member of the Department, an employee shall be subject to disciplinary action for any violation by the other member of any provision of this chapter unless the employee was unaware of the violation or unless the employee, if the situation permits safe and prudent action, attempts in good faith to prevent the violation and, at the earliest reasonable time, reports the violation to his supervisor;

e) Members who violate any rules, regulations, or policies of the Department or the County, shall be subject to disciplinary action.  The commission or omission of any other act contrary to good order and discipline shall also be the subject of disciplinary action;

f) Members who are arrested or detained for any offense, or named as a suspect, other than an infraction under the Vehicle Code, shall immediately notify their immediate supervisor or Watch Commander of the facts of the arrest or detention or allegation.       

After business hours, if the member is unable to contact their immediate supervisor or Watch Commander at the Unit of Assignment, the member shall contact Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau and request immediate notification to their Unit Commander. The member shall provide details of the arrest or detention to Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau, including alleged charge(s), location, police agency jurisdiction, and return phone number where the member can be reached, for relay to the Unit Commander.  The Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau member receiving notification shall immediately notify the employee’s Unit Commander.

The Unit Commander shall immediately notify Internal Affairs Bureau.  The employee’s Unit Commander shall immediately respond to the member’s location if the member is arrested and taken into custody.

According to the nature of the offense and in conformance with the rules of the Department of Human Resources, disciplinary action may result and may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • a reprimand (written);
  • suspension without pay;
  • reduction in rank; and/or
  • dismissal from the Department.


For purposes of this section, any reference to “members” shall include any member of the Department, both sworn and professional staff.