3-01/025.45 - Safety of Firearms

Sworn employees assume a significant responsibility in protecting and serving the public.  As a result, they enjoy a considerable level of public trust.  Consequently, high standards are placed upon their conduct.  These high standards extend to both on and off duty conduct.  This is particularly applicable when the off duty conduct involves the consumption of alcohol.  In order to remain beneficiaries of the public trust, we must balance the rights of our sworn employees with the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct.

Sworn employees and Security Officers carrying or handling any firearm while on or off duty shall not consume any intoxicating substance to the point where the employee is unable to or does not exercise reasonable care and/or control of the firearm.

NOTE:  For purposes of this section, intoxicating substance shall include alcoholic beverages, medication (both prescription and over-the-counter), and/or controlled substances.

A violation of this section shall be determined upon the totality of the circumstances.  It shall be presumed that an employee who has a 0.08 percent or more by weight of alcohol in his or her blood is unable to exercise reasonable care and/or control of a firearm.  However, the fact that the employee acted reasonably and without negligence may rebut the presumption.